The Gift of the Holy Spirit.
The Holy Bible tells us in the book of Acts, Jesus instructed the apostles to remain in Jerusalem and wait for the gift His Father promised: The Gift of the Holy Spirit.
Do not leave Jerusalem, but wait for the gift my Father promised which you have heard me speak about. John baptized with water but in a few days you will be baptized with the Holy Spirit. (Acts1:4-5)
The Gospel of Mark explains when the apostle first met Jesus on the shore of Galilee; they were willing to leave everything to follow Jesus of Nazareth.
The apostles felt the presence of the Holy Spirit within Jesus. They never met anyone who had such wisdom, knowledge, and understanding. His love for Almighty God exceeded any human's love. His love was Divine.
You can only imagine how frightened the apostles were the night Jesus was arrested, taken before Pontius Pilate, and then crucified and died. What were they to do now, go back to their fishing boats, mend their nets, and forget about the Good News that Jesus taught them?
Oh that glorious Easter morning, when they heard the Good News that Jesus was alive and risen from the dead. Now forty days later, Jesus is telling his followers he is leaving again. This must have been very disturbing news for the early church. What they did not realize was that while Jesus remained on earth he could only give comfort to those he could physically meet. When Jesus ascended into heaven with God the Father, the Holy Spirit became available to all who accepted Jesus as the Messiah.
My friends, to accept Jesus into your heart just say this short prayer. Oh my Jesus, I accept you as Lord and Savior. I repent of my sins and want to follow you. If you said this prayer, call or contact us today to request your free copy of The Seven Day Walk with the Holy Spirit.
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