Yes, it is true that you that many of Jewish people refuse to accept
the fact that Jesus is truly God and truly man, yes God the Son, the Word, Who always was, and is now, The Word, Jesus had to be made flesh, Come to earth in His perfect Godly nature, God the Son, humbled Himself to take on a human fleshly body, Jesus was conceived by the Holy Spirit, born of a virgin, who's name was Mary, He was born for the sole purpose of being the sacrificial Lamb of God, so the facts are clear, he had to suffer, die and be buried, he had to remain for three days in the tomb, and yes then in order to conquer death and atone for our sinful nature, so that we too can have eternal life, Jesus had to rise from the dead on the third day and ascend into Heaven to sit at the right hand of the Father, Yahweh Almighty, all this because of one simple explanation: Jesus and Almighty God the Father and the Holy Spirit truly Loves you! Salvation is a free gift! Accept Jesus Today!
Praise His Holy Name, Jesus! Give all the Praise and Glory to God the Father, His Son, Jesus and the Holy Spirit Forever and Ever.
Yes, the Jewish people are the chosen people and nation! We need to pray for the safety and well being of all people especially those of Israel and the Jewish faith.
We must always remember to respect their belief, yet it is our responsibility as Christians to be warriors for Jesus, fight the good fight, and keep bringing the Good News that Jesus is Alive and Risen from the Dead to all nations and people especially to those of the Jewish faith. Jesus came for His people first, then the whole world! Jesus gave us the great command, "to go out to all the nations and spread the Good News." Although, Israel and the Jewish people may never
fully accept the fact that Jesus is the Messiah and the Glory of Israel until that time God opens their eyes to the Light of the World, Jesus. Until God's perfect time, let us pray and on behalf of their defense the Jewish people believe that they were promised by God in the "Old Testament" or Torah, that they were to look
for a warrior, or a king who would lead them back to victory in
Jerusalem, not a carpenter's son of all places Nazareth, who healed the sick, gave sight to the blind, healed the lame to walk and forgave sinner's their sins, and taught people to turn the other cheek when someone one would strike you, yes a peace maker who taught the lessons of "Love your Neighbor as yourself." this man they called Jesus of
The Messiah they were looking for two thousand years ago and
still today will be the hope of Israel. How long will they wait? How long
will God cover their eyes to the Truth!
In God's perfect time He will open their eyes to see the Glory of Israel! Who is the Glory of Israel? Jesus the Son of God!
Until that time comes, we must remember to continue to pray for those of the Jewish faith, and love the the people of Israel and never turn away from God's chosen people. We must always stand with them and for them for the are the people of God!
God Bless Israel and pray that God will open their eyes to Jesus the one true God and true Man as their Glory.
Jesus stated very clearly to many people and to those around Him that His Kingdom was not of
this world, if it were so, then His Father, Yahweh would have sent
Legions of Angels to rescue Jesus from the anguish He had to suffer as the Lamb of God, for
our sins, He had to suffer at the hands of the Roman government 2000 years ago, and they fulfilled prophecy by crucifying Him as a criminal, even though they truly knew that Jesus was
as innocent man, and still while hanging ready to die, at the foot of the cross the soldiers and
Jewish leaders mocked Jesus. To prove Jesus was dead on the cross
before taking Jesus down a soldier stuck a lance in His side to insure
he had died, and thus not a bone was broken as was scripture written in
Psalms. If a crucified person had not died before the end of the day, especially Passover Feast, the soldiers would break
the legs of the crucified person to force that person to died of
suffocation before sunset.
Jesus was taken down from the cross before sunset, and God's sacrificial lamb, Jesus, was place in a tomb owned by a wealthy man name Joseph, he asked the Governor Pilate for the body of Jesus and Pilate gave him permission to take the body of Jesus and prepare the body for burial which was Jewish tradition.
The Jewish officials asked Pilate to place two soldiers around the clock to prevent anyone from stealing the body of Jesus because many rumors were passed around that Jesus would rise from the dead after three day and the Jewish officials were afraid that someone would steal the body and say that Jesus rose from the day. On the third day Jesus did rise from the dead and they could not find Jesus or His Body. Many on the third day saw the Jesus after Jesus rose from the dead, Mary of Madeline, Peter, the one who denied knowing Jesus the night Jesus was arrested, and John, who Jesus Loved so very much.
Many more saw him, and they all professed the Good News that Jesus has Risen! They were so committed to Jesus that over the years thousands have offered their own life rather than deny the fact that
Jesus is Lord and Savior, God made Flesh for the remission of Sin.
Praise the Name of Jesus! Thanks be to God for His only begotten Son.